A safeguarding team who look after vulnerable patients have been recognised for making a range of improvements to boost patient care.
The team recently took over the management of the enhanced care team and have worked tirelessly to provide the best patient care.
This has included helping nurse assessors to have more quality patient contact time and holding new weekly board rounds to support staff with patients who have a diagnosis of dementia or disability.
The looked after children’s team have made numerous operational changes to the service. This has resulted in improved compliance – which is significantly higher compared to other regions.
They have also introduced new assessment paperwork. It enables children in care to express their wishes and feelings as part of the health assessment.
The team has won the latest team of the month award, presented by deputy director of workforce Gary Wright.
A well deserved win for the safeguarding team
Team manager Rachael McLoughlin, who nominated the service, added: “The senior nurses, trainers and admin team have worked flexibly and continued to deliver an excellent service.
“Safeguarding supervision compliance has remained above 98% and training has been reviewed and updated. Both have received positive feedback from staff who use the service.
“The looked after children’s team created new paperwork that specifically asks for the views of the children.
“They also responded to the needs to children in care who receive health assessments. Comments said that they did not fully understand why the assessments asked so many questions. In response to this the team created a leaflet that explains the health assessment process. This is sent out to all children prior to the health assessment.
“The safeguarding children’s team have ensured that the voice of the child is evidenced in the child’s health care records and through safeguarding supervision.”
“The vulnerability unit have supported staff so they are able to identify vulnerabilities in service users and respond accordingly. Whether adult or child the team have been improving outcomes for them.
“Because of them, patients are able to receive the highest quality care.”