Everyone aged 60 to 74 registered with a GP in England should be automatically sent a bowel cancer screening kit every 2 years.
Make sure your GP has the correct address so your kit is posted to the right place.
If you’re 75 or over, you can ask for a kit every 2 years by phoning the free bowel cancer screening helpline.
Free bowel cancer screening helpline 0800 707 60 60
NHS screening kits aren’t available for people under 60.
The test kit
The FIT (Faecal Immunochemal Testing) kit will arrive with instructions included. Language translations are available for the test instructions.
How do I complete the home test kit?
A how to information video on how to complete the home test kit and links to the instructional leaflets can be found below.
Using your bowel cancer screening kit: Step by step instructions
Thank you for opening your bowel screening kit. Screening is your choice, the test is simple to perform, hygienic and only one sample is required.
To take part follow these simple steps.
Please take time to read your letter and the instruction diagram on the lid.
The sample bottle can be easily removed from the tray when you are ready to take your sample.
Using a pen, write the date you took the sample clearly on the sample bottle.
Take you bowel screening kit with you to the bathroom. The instructions are on the lid of the box. Use the container to catch the poo. Do not let your poo touch the toilet water.
Twist open the bottle and use the sampling stick to collect the sample.
Scrape the stick back and forth along the poo, until all grooves are covered.
We only need a little bit of poo to test, please do not add extra.
Put the stick back in the sample bottle and push down on the cap to close it – ensuring you hear a click.
Please do not repeat the collection and wash your hands after use.
Make sure you have written the date you took the sample on the bottle.
Put the sample bottle in the pre-paid return envelope and peel off the tape to close.
Please post your sample back to us as soon as possible.
You can recycle all left over packaging.
Thank you for providing your bowel screening sample.