Our team of specialist respiratory practitioners treat patients who have been diagnosed with or have symptoms of a breathing condition.
You will be referred to our service from either your GP, consultant, practice nurse or physiotherapist.
We provide:
- oxygen assessment
- diagnostics
- rehabilitation classes for people with breathing conditions
- education for patients, carers and health care staff
- an initial assessment, follow up and reviews of your long term respiratory condition
- a home support service when appropriate for the patient’s condition, to ensure symptoms are managed in their own home
- advice, awareness, information and education about respiratory disease
- you with an understanding and support that provides you with the confidence to proactively manage your own health and wellbeing
- you with a point of contact so you can get advice and support about how to manage your condition
Hospital at Home team
The service includes the award-winning Hospital at Home team, an innovative service which cares for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in their own homes. It is run day to day by a team of specialist nurses and physiotherapists and overseen by consultant physicians.
Anyone with COPD can be referred into the service – initially through their GP or health professional but then they are able to contact the service directly for help and advice or to request a home visit.
Making a referral
Health professionals should phone our single point of access to make a referral. Patients can contact us themselves to take part in the pulmonary rehabilitation classes.
Monday to Friday
The service can be contacted through the single point of access team (SPA)